Debate Prep Vets James Carville and Philippe Reines on the Upcoming Debate + Al on RGB

Carville and Reines

Carville and Reines (who played Trump in Hillary’s debate prep) game out the Most Important Event in the History of the World. Plus Al shares some thoughts on the great Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Subscribe to The Al Franken Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google Play, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts. Signup for the Al Franken Newsletter here.

Interview with Christiane Amanpour

I did a nice interview with the great Christiane Amanpour earlier this week. See if you agree with me that I come off as extremely personable and insightful.  Subscribe to The Al Franken Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google Play, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts. Signup for the Al Franken Newsletter here.

A Quick Lesson in Math for Donald Trump


Now caught on tape telling Bob Woodward that he knew how deadly serious the Coronavirus was all along, President Trump is telling the American people that he misled us for our own good.  You know, so that we wouldn’t panic. We can only imagine what would have happened had we, the American people, panicked. You think the toilet paper shortage was bad in March?! Oh my God!!! Fortunately, for all of us, Trump played it all perfectly!  Yesterday, he reminded us once again, that because of his actions “we saved millions of U.S. lives.” Millions! I just hope Americans can … Read More…

What’s Really Going On


A lot of people think they understand why Donald Trump asked John Kelly what could possibly have been “in it” for his son and the other tens of thousands of fallen servicemen and women buried at Arlington Cemetery. It’s simple, right? Donald Trump just cannot grasp why anyone would ever do something that didn’t redound to his own personal benefit.  Well, yeah. I’m sure that’s part of it. That is exactly the kind of transactional thinking that you’d expect from a malignant narcissist like him. But it goes deeper than that. Because what was also happening is that Donald Trump, … Read More…

How a Malignant Narcissist Could Successfully Handle the Coronavirus

Donald Trump

It should be of no surprise that a great majority of the men who have sought and successfully attained the office of president have been narcissists. What most Americans would be surprised to learn is that a number of even our most successful and admired presidents like Teddy Roosevelt, for example, were themselves archetypal malignant narcissists. It is said that it was impossible to get through a dinner party without TR somehow working the conversation to the number of Spaniards he slaughtered “leading” the charge up San Juan Hill. And yet Teddy Roosevelt was an enormously successful and consequential president … Read More…

Facebook Does it Again

Mark Zuckerberg

After it came out that, during the 2016 campaign, Facebook had carried pro-Trump and anti-Hillary ads paid for by the GRU Russian intelligence agency, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing with top executives from Google, Twitter, and Facebook. It is against the law for foreigners to contribute to an American political campaign, and creating ads and buying ad space is, of course, considered a campaign contribution. In his opening testimony, Facebook’s general counsel testified that Facebook had not been aware that the Russians had bought ads. When it came my turn to question, I turned my focus on him, … Read More…

Paul Begala on How to Beat Trump

Paul Begala

The stable half of the consultant team that elected Bill Clinton, tells us how to beat this psychopath – on the podcast and in his new book, You’re Fired.