Heather McGhee – An Encore of My Best Podcast Ever!
McGhee discusses her powerful book, The Sum of Us, about how white people have been told that anything that benefits people of color hurts them – i.e. a zero-sum game. It ain’t true!
McGhee discusses her powerful book, The Sum of Us, about how white people have been told that anything that benefits people of color hurts them – i.e. a zero-sum game. It ain’t true!
Slavitt Explains How Trump’s Refusal to Hold Himself Accountable Caused Untold Death and Suffering.
Packer dissects the 4 Americas: The Rich Right-Wing Bastards, The Smug Liberal Elites, The Pissed-Off Not-so-Bright Tea Partiers, and The Woke Social Justice Police
My conversation with Michael Harriot: Senior Writer for TheRoot.com, the Nation’s Largest Black Online Newspaper.
In 2012 Ornstein & Mann wrote It’s Even Worse Than It Looks. And, man, were they right!
Al Talks with His Senate Communications Director on Why the Franken Office was a Blast & Got Stuff Done! & Al on Democracy. Hitler didn’t end it. The Confederacy didn’t end it. Let’s not let Senate Republicans!
For 25 years, Louis has provided job training for thousands of folks from the Northside of Minneapolis. He walks a good walk. And talks a good talk.
The Chair of the Anti-Trust Subcommittee discusses her new book, Anti-Trust. From Facebook & Amazon & Google to Coffins & Sunglasses & Diapers.
The Republican Party has entered new territory. And it’s ugly.
Sen. Duckworth tells about growing up in Thailand, joining the Army, and being grievously wounded in combat. Gruesome, harrowing, and…very funny!
Kristol discusses disgust with today’s Republican Party